Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What's Next for Occupy?

Today on the show we'll consider where the Occupy movement is or should be going. What would you like to see happen next? We'll hear from some people who are headed to the National Gathering to get their take.

Also, since the Supreme Court has not issued its decision about the Affordable Care Act, we'll review some other decisions of note from the past few days. Some outcomes may surprise you; their impact has been widely mis-reported in the national press.

Tell us what you think! Call in at (386) 523-1380 or share your thoughts below.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Occupy the Farm!

On today's show we'll have as our guest Christopher Cook, an award-winning journalist and author of the excellent book, Diet for a Dead Planet: Big Business and the Coming Food Crisis.

What's going on with our food supply? How has corporate influence threatened the very sustenance we all need to survive and thrive? Listen online at Big1380.com; join the conversation by calling (386) 523-1380; add you thoughts to the comments section below.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Where there's smoke, there's work!"*

On today's show we'll address corporate resistance to frank dialogue about climate issues with Dr. Gretchen Goldman of the Union of Concerned Scientists. Later in the show we'll have a representative of Deep Green Resistance to talk about that organization's approach to environmental challenges.

Listen live 11-12 a.m. Eastern at Big1380.com or GoliathRadio.com. Join us in comments, or call in at (386) 523-1380.

(Thanks to ql at Eschaton for the link. Welcome, visitors!)

Update: Find the Union of Concerned Scientists' complete report on the influence of corporations in the climate debate here.

*Obscure Firesign Theatre reference